Natural Language
to SQL Queries

Transform plain English questions
into optimized SQL queries instantly.
Powered by advanced AI to help you
explore and analyze your data effortlessly.

Natural Language Query Engine

Never write SQL again

Data teams need to move fast.
SQLGenie is the fastest way to transform raw data into insights.

200xCheaper than a data analyst
23+Database dialects

Powerful Features for
Modern Business

Everything you need to build reports, analyze data, and make better decisions.

AI-Powered Query Engine

Use advanced LLMs to generate SQL queries from natural language.

Contexual Understanding

Intelligent schema understanding with automated updates so queries never become stale.

Enterprise Security

Secrets are never accessible, even to us.

Usage Analytics

Visualize your usage with user groups and custom permissions

Multi-Database Support

Connect to any of our 23+ supported ANSI-SQL compliant databases

Web-Based SQL IDE

Queries go where you go, no need for separate VCS, but we support it too!

Ready to Try the Future?

Skip the analytics backlog. Get insights in minutes, not weeks.